Google Sloppy [Google Has a Sloppy, Lazy, Passive Twin. Key In Your Search Terms and See Google Sloppy Mess it Up] Much has been discussed about Google in the past few weeks, with an algorithm change that supposedly reduced the search visibility of low-quality sites. Some people are probably stressed about this, and others are elated at the reduction of “spammy” frontpage results.
Let’s take a little break from all this and have fun with a search engine called Google Sloppy. Google Sloppy looks like a hand-drawn version of Google’s home page. The site misspells your search queries and sometimes substitutes the wrong words.
Search for “potato” and you get a list of matches for “optato.” I didn’t even know there was such a word.
Google Sloppy is a work of Yuin Chien, a graduat student at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena.
“The Search Operators” is the sloppy twin of Google search. By reversing the passive roles of UI elements, we want to expand the traditional notion of user interfaces. We hope this sloppy twin helps you switch mind set from everyday web routines and open up new perspectives.
Google Sloppy is done with html5 canvas, js, processing.js, jQuery, Google Search API, and a lot of imagination, according to the creators.